

For 2022 we will be offering you two options:

  • You may elect to attend the Commercial Aviation Industry Suppliers Conference ONLY
  • You may elect the “ALL PASS” which provides you access to the Aerospace Raw Materials & Manufacturers Supply Chain Conference and the Commercial Aviation Industry Suppliers Conference
  • Access to all Commercial Aviation Suppliers Confernce sessions including: Keynote presentations, briefings, interactive panel discussions, and networking activities throughout the Conference.
  • A Welcome reception on the afternoon of March 1.
  • Breakfast, lunch and a cocktail reception.
  • Access to all Commercial Aviation Suppliers Conference and Aerospace Raw Materials & Manufacturers Supply Chain Conference sessions including: Keynote presentations, briefings, interactive panel discussions, and networking activities throughout the Conference. 
  • A Welcome reception on the afternoon of March 1.
  • Breakfast, lunch and a cocktail reception.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the Beverly Wilshire at the special rate of $385 per night (plus tax and other applicable fees). Room reservations should be made directly through the hotel at +1-310-275-5200. Please ask for the special SpeedNews Conference rate. Refer directly to the Beverly Wilshire for its room cancellation policy.